School Curriculum

Co-curricular activities may not be tested or graded, but they educate—and benefit—students in ways that classroom activities cannot. Co-curricular pursuits are integral to the educational program and— whether or not they carry academic credit—have legitimate links to regular courses and to the purposes of middle level and high schools. They underpin the goal of teaching students to be responsible and fulfilled human beings with opportunities that develop character, critical thinking, social skills, and talents.

We conduct a variety of interesting and exciting co-curricular activities to bring out the hidden talents in our students. Our Annual Inter-House Sports  is an event all our students look forward to when they test their physical skills. The Science Exhibition instills a sense of curiosity and gives a fantastic opportunity to all our students to learn through a process of experimentation and discovery. Excursions and Field Trips are periodically conducted to make learning more interesting. In extra-curricular activities, the School seeks to provide a diversity of stimulating programs to furnish students with healthy diversion and opportunities for widening their horizons.

Extra-curricular activities

Classic International School believes that all of one’s experiences are part of the educational process and that learning is not confined to the classroom alone. Because of this belief, each student is required to actively participate in extra-curricular activities. The Extra-curricular Co-ordinator is available to assist students in selecting activities that will allow them to expand their interests and fulfill their non-academic potential. Parents / guardians are asked to encourage their wards to take full advantage of the co-curricular program. CCAs are an integral part of our students’ holistic, well-rounded education. They help nurture in them qualities such as resilience, tenacity, confidence and perseverance, which prepare them to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Every student takes part in CCA taken from the following options:
Sports and Games


Children play sports because they want to have fun and enjoy themselves. Besides being fun, there are a number of benefits to playing sports. For most people, taking part in sport improves their general health and well-being, with reduced body fat, bone strengthening, improved stamina and flexibility being some of the reasons why taking part in physical activity is so important. It can improve mood and help relieve stress. Sports activities also improve confidence and provide a real sense of achievement. People are able to feel part of a team and with sport they can feed off the energy and enthusiasm of their teammates or enjoy the adrenaline of competing individually. There are so many positive aspects to sport – there really is something for everyone!

We have a spacious playground with qualified sports instructors assigned to lead a variety of sports activities; adapting skills and experience to work with different age ranges throughout the academic year.

The School‘s Belief in Respect of Extra-curricular Activities

The school provides a valuable niche for students to grow and develop their individual potential. The school should provide the greatest room for students to develop, give them the most comprehensive and the richest learning experience. Learning in communal life is one of the many learning experiences, which culminates in the student’s experience of growth and has a profound effect. Learning in communal life is not acquired through books but through authentic life experiences. The best learning experience is not gained by passive participation in school activities, but is acquired in situations shaped and initiated by the students.

Effects of Extracurricular Activities

Schools teach more than curriculum-based education. Students are offered extracurricular activities such as sports. These activities are intended to benefit children and give them a well-rounded school experience. The effects of the activities can be found in academic achievement, health, self-esteem and behavior.


Academic achievement is an important part of a child’s life that can be affected by extra-curricular activities. A child who spends his spare time in an unstructured environment achieves lower grades, according to the University of Wisconsin. Extra-curricular activities are supervised by teachers and qualified sports instructors who know how to execute a lesson plan. A child can transfer the skill of working in a structured environment to his studies. Activities promote the ability for a child to achieve, which also influences him to do well in his studies. Moreover, taking part in extra-curricular activities can look good on a college application.


It can be a struggle for a child to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. A child can be shown how much fun exercising can be through extra-curricular sports activities. Playing basketball, soccer or football, or running track, is a healthier way to spend spare time than sitting in front of a TV. A child who takes part in sports is less likely to have bad habits later in life, like smoking or drinking, according to Kids Health. Sports are not only good for physical health, but for mental health as well. A child who does activities such as music, theater or politics will have mental stimulation. He/She can explore the creative and social side of his/her personality, which can increase mental development.


Extra-curricular activities can have both a positive and negative effect on a student’s self-esteem, according to the University of Wisconsin-Stout. If a child takes part in an extra-curricular sports activity like soccer or basketball, he/she will have to work as a team. This can raise his/her self-esteem because he/she feels like he/she fits in with a group of peers. However, if a child is pushed by a parent to do an activity he/she doesn’t have the skills to do, this can cause a loss of self-esteem.


Extra-curricular activities are based around discipline, rules and structure. These activities can teach child self-discipline. He/she is less likely to have behavioral problems and exhibit criminal behavior if he/she has self-discipline, according to Iowa State University. Moreover, giving a child responsibility for being part of a team or activity will give him/her self-respect and teach her to be respectful of others.

Features of Our Extra-curricular Activities

Co-curriculum is a very important and essential part of an education system. It is the co-curriculum aspect of the education that prepares and moulds the student to be holistic. Nevertheless, more emphasis has generally been given to the curriculum aspect resulting from the student’s inability to link the excellence in performance academically to the active participation in co-curriculum. Four main competencies are identified namely communication skill, cognitive skill, self-management skill and academic excellence, and tests are carried out based on these four skills. Emphasis on co-curricular activities has been made because the Ministry of Education knows of the positive effect of students being all-rounder when they excel in academic and co-curricular activities.

In designing extra-curricular activities, we aim to extend classroom learning and let students have a balanced development on knowledge, ability, attitude and values, so as to realize our objective in education, i.e. education on spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects.

The school’s extra-curricular activities have the following features:


We believe that students are able to organize and promote activities. By doing so, they enjoy the activities more and develop leadership and acquire the skills necessary in organizing activities.

Training of Leaders

The Extra-curricular Activity Unit invites experienced social workers to give leadership training to students of different levels and different positions. The purpose is to let student leaders learn theories on leadership and strengthen confidence, and to practice what they have learned.

Inter-school competitions help students to broaden horizons, the school encourages students to take part in inter-school competitions.

List of Extra-curricular Activities

Academic Activities

Sports Activities

Art Activities

Spelling Bee
Quiz Speech Competitions
English Society
Maths Society
Science & Astronomy Club
Computer Society
Table tennis Team
Handball Team
Basketball Tea
Football Team
Art and Craft Society